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Berlin #HMVTK workshop

Screen Shot 2014-08-10 at 1.17.08 PMBerlin #HMVTK workshop

It is a very interesting city different to all other in Europe.

Is rich in culture, people always look for new trends, this generates many spaces that promote the knowledge sharing, like a new one named supermarkt “The SUPERMARKT is a conference and workshop center, a cafe & a coworking space and a place where international people gather. We offer space for meetings, presentations, work and mutual thinking.” ( )


Screen Shot 2014-08-10 at 1.17.24 PM Screen Shot 2014-08-10 at 1.17.16 PM Screen Shot 2014-08-10 at 1.17.00 PMThere are many interesting projects in the town, for example one that got my attention is “Missing House” of Christian Boltanski ( a project in which in front of a house where Jews of WWII died, plates are placed as bricks with information about the deceased like behalf of the families who lived there, the space they occupied and their trades. A participant share this as an example of information visualization.

In this workshop I was invited by Ela Kagel SUPERMARKT director, to her, to all participants of the workshop and this great city I thank you.





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Visualized 2012: A few physical visualization examples

8200028163_c739c6fe50_bVISUALIZED explores the evolution of communication at the intersection of data, storytelling and design.

Join us for an inspiring two-day gathering with the brightest minds and social innovators from around the world who are changing how we understand and interact with data; and gain insight into designing data-driven narratives that connect with audiences and visualize the human experience.

Your data has a story to tell. It’s our goal to have attendees walk away inspired with new ideas on how to make a bigger impact when visually sharing the story of their data, whether it is for personal use, business, education, or social innovation. We’re working hard to make sure that this event is as unique and entertaining as it is engaging and educational.

People with a strong balance between creative and analytical thinking will be emphatically thanked and high-fived by both sides of your brain for attending, particularly those interested in any combination of the following:

El pasado 7 y 8 de Noviembre se llevo a cabo el evento visualized en el Times Center de la ciudad de Nueva york.

El evento reunió a más de 500 asistentes interesados en la visualización de información, el story telling, la comunicación visual y el diseño. Habian personas de todos los campos, periodistas, científicos, investigadores, diseñadores, artistas, ingenieros y todo tipo de entusiastas en el tema.

El recibimiento fue muy bueno, a caba asistente le entregaban una bolsa con regalos dentro, como

En cuanto a los speakers, la selección fue important. personas que se destacan en el mundo de la visualización desde diferentes áreas, para destacar por su trabajo en visualización análoga  rachel binx. en total 32 speakers que mostraron su trabajo en 20 minutos.


This is the complete list of speakers (I will post about the work of some of them later):

Hilary Manson Chief Scientist at Bilty

Alexis lloyd Creative technologist NewYork Times R&D

Javier de LaTorre CEO and Co-founder of Vizzuality

Alexander Chen Designer at Google creative Lab

Santiago Ortiz Info visualization researcher

Neil Halloran Creator of

Scott Belsky Ceo at Behance

Theo Watson Founder  of DESIGN I/O and Open Frameworks

Gustav Sydow Ceo and founder of Burt

Kim Rees Head of information design at Periscopic

Katy Harris Information designer at Fathom

Sha Hwang Design technologist at Trulia

Mike Driscoll Ceo and Co-founder of Metamarkets

Amber Case Cyborg anthropologist, Geoloqi Inc.

Sarah Williams Director of the Civic Design project MIT

Rachel Binx Co-founder at Meshu

Peter Crnokrak Information graphic artist

Simon Rogers Data journalist and editor at The Guardian

Sven Ehmann Creative director at Gestalten

Arlene Birt Information designer, Background stories

Paul D Miller Dj Spooky

Deroy Peraza Partner at Hyperakt

Cedric Kiefer Creative director at Onformative

Michal Migurski Partner and director at Stamen

Benjamin Wiederkehr Interactive things and

Shan Carter Interactive graphics at the New York times

Maral Pourkazemi Applied Science program at Potsdam

Tom Macwright Hacker at Development Seed & Mapbox

Matthew Eppler NYU interactive telecommunications program

Jake Porway Founder and Executive director of Datakind

Eddi Para Partner at Pentagram

Al final una fiesta para celebrar las oportunidades que surgen en el campo de la visualización!

The #hmvtk published in Visual Storytelling by Gestalten


The handmade visualization toolkit #HMVTK was published in the Visual Storytelling book by Gestalten.

Visual Storytelling uses graphic design, infographics, illustration, and photography to convey information in the most elegant, entertaining, and informative way. Today, a new generation of designers, illustrators, data journalists, and graphic editors is expanding the creative scope of existing visual storytelling techniques -meeting the formidable challenge of extracting valuable news, surprising findings, and relevant stories from a daily flood of data head on.

Visual Storytelling is the first book to focus solely on contemporary and experimental manifestations of visual forms that can be classified as such. The rich selection of cutting-edge examples featured in the book is put into context with an introduction and text features by magazine expert Andrew Losowsky as well as interviews with the New York Times, Francesco Franchi, Density Design, Carl Kleiner, Antoine Corbineau, Golden Section Graphics, Les Graphicants, and Peter Grundy.

The subtitle of the book “Inspiring a New Visual Language” is the perfect brief of the content. Every single page is full of innovative ideas about how visualize information, including lots of handmade, analog data visualization examples.

The chapters: 1) Seeing the News 2) Viewing Science and Technology 3) Looking at travel and Geography 4) The modern world 5)Observing sports


September Issue Marie Claire: Happiness kit

handmade was invited to make an infographic for the Marie Claire September Issue. The main topic was “The happiness kit” and the inspiration came from the handmade visualization tool kit that Jose Duarte had released months ago.


For the magazine article they asked me about my work and what i thought about happiness. Here are some questions: (It must be the most cheese graphic i have made, but i still like it)

1. Define yourself in three colors (and briefly explain why)…

Green, blue and orange. I am a really tall and big person with a huge beard, so people usually think i am a very serious man. In contrast I see myself as a happy person with funny personality so i like to express my happinnes with my work and that is why i usually use exiting colors in my compositions.

2. Describe your graphic style in three words…

In this moment, I think the words would be “Handmade visual experience”.

3. What’s the power of infographics?

You can see the power of infographics when you can explain cronologically the story of the world to a 5 years old kid with a simple timeline image. The power of infographics is facilitate the cognitive process and communicate complex information with a simple visual story.
I try to generate a closer relation between people and information in my work and infographics is the natural way to do it effectivly.

4. Do you think it’s a new form of art? And Why?

I think infographics is not a new form of art by itself but an artist can use it as a tool for an artistic creation and experimentation or as an element to movilice emotionaly an audience. The infographics rol is not to become a piece of art but clarify concepts, evidence and communicate ideas.

6137116820_a34a060367_b-15. What was the happiest time in your entire life?

I think i have never been so happy as i am right now and the reason is simple: I realise that happinnes is not a moment you have lived, it is a summatory of many moments, situations, objetcs, people and experiences. If you can understand happinnes in that way, probably you will be a happy person that appreciate every single moment in your life as an experience. If you understand happiness in that way also you probably stop worry about to win the lotery, to have a car and an apartment and to get a girlfriend, and you will start to be happy with things you have and things life gives to you everyday. That was the idea behind the graphic, a lot of little experiences in your live make you happy, not a single moment.

The project shared pages with other relevant artists and designers as Ciro Esposito, Mari Grafsronningen, Tiffany Farrant-Gonzales and Dimitra Tzanos.